Tobique Log Homes School of Log Building is located in the historic Scottish settlement of Upper Kintore, nestled in the scenic Appalachian Range which follows the famous Tobique River. Upper Kintore is in the province of New Brunswick, Canada.


About Garth Farquhar 

”  I graduated in 1977, from the University of New Brunswick with a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering.

After working at the New Brunswick Electrical Power Commission and Calgary Power, I left the profession in 1981 to start a career in log building. Forty years later, I have built log homes all over Atlantic Canada, in Germany, Japan and all across the United States from Texas to Maine.

At this point in my career, I would like to pass on my accumulated knowledge and experience to the next generation.

I started my first log house with a B. Allan Mackie book and lots of enthusiasm. In hindsight I would have benefited greatly from a hands on log building course.

Building a log cabin or log home is major undertaking of time and effort, not to mention the associated costs of a foundation, roof, doors, windows, plumbing, electrical etc., all of the components that make a building liveable.
If the log walls are drafty, and destined to rot in a few short years, all of the effort and money that has gone into the building, will have been wasted.

It is with this in mind, that I would like to offer a practical education in log building construction. I have trained dozens of professional log builders over my career and it is very satisfying to see the high quality work that they produce.

It is my goal to teach many more.  “


There are two courses being offered, a one week course and a 4 week course.

The one week course is designed for someone who wants to build themselves a small cabin. The four week course is designed for students who would like to build their own log house or seek employment in the log building industry.

The curriculum is the same, however in the one week course, practice time and demonstrations will be limited to the time allowed. The four week course will cover all of the topics in greater depth and there will be much more time available for practice. Topics to be covered will be chainsaw safety and filing, lifting systems, log peeling, splitting and flattening logs for the first tier, scribing and cutting the basic saddle notch, scribing and cutting laterals, pitch logs, roof systems, windows and door installation, log settling, interior framed partitions, electrical in a log home, and finally design for aesthetics, functionality and low maintenance of a log home.

If a student is interested in a particular skill, such as hand hewing timbers, it can be added to the program.

Tuition is $1,000 for the one week course and $3,800 for the four week course. Accommodation in one of our log cabins is included in the tuition fee.  Students will be responsible for providing their own meals. All of the specialty log builder tools and safety chaps will be provided.

Students will be required to have their own steel toed boots, hard hat, tape measure, utility knife, chalk line, work gloves, safety glasses and weather appropriate clothing.

Classes will be from 8:00 to 5:00, Monday to Friday. There will be a fifteen minute break at 10:00 and 3:00. Lunch time will be from 12:00 until 1:00. There will be zero tolerance for use of alcohol, marijuana or similar drugs during course hours.

A $400 deposit will be paid upon registration and the balance of $600 to be paid prior to starting. A $800 deposit will be required upon registration for the four week course and the $3,000 balance to be paid prior to starting. The school reserves the right to cancel courses due to unforeseen circumstances, in which case deposits will be repaid in full. If a student is not able to attend, the deposit will not be returned, but could be used for a course at a later date.

Payments to be made by etransfer to tobiqueloghomes@gmail.com

Course registration will not be approved until the deposit is received.

Questions or Interested
in Enrolling?


Course Registration

Especially anything involving construction and/or chainsaw experience

Please download, print and sign the WAIVER AND RELEASE prior to attending the course (bring it with you).


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